Come join us for a Honeysuckle Sweep work day at Heartland Prairie in Gordon F. Moore Community Park. The Honeysuckle Sweep for Healthy Habitat is an initiative lead by the Missouri Botanical Garden. This initiative was started to raise awareness about the negative impacts that bush honeysuckle has on our natural areas.
Eric Wright, stewardship director of The Nature Institute, will give a brief tutorial about bush honeyuckle and different removal techniques. Participants will then help remove bush honeysuckle in the woodland bordering Heartland Prairie.
Hand tools, gloves, and water will be provided. If you have a trusty saw, set of loppers, or pair of gloves, feel free to bring your own. No power tools will be allowed at this work day and herbicide can only be applied by persons with a valid herbicide license.
Heartland Prairie is located in Gordon Moore Park north of Hwy 140/College Ave.
Please direct any question to info@thenatureinstitute.org
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