Let’s wish John M. Olin a Happy Belated Birthday as we hike through the land that was forever protected in his honor. John was a businessman and philanthropist that was born and raised in Alton. As the years continued, he found himself remaining in the region and owned what is now a portion of The Nature Institute.
Learn about his legacy and how he sought to recreate the natural landscape along the bluffs. Guests will hike from Olin’s former skeet range and down into the creek bottom and around the entire border of his former property. This hike is moderate to difficult. Be sure to bring hiking shoes, water and dress for the weather. This hike is $5 for non-members and free for those that are current TNI members. Registration is requested by filling out the form below.
John M. Olin, president and CEO of Olin Industries, became owner in the 1950’s of Talahi Lodge and 293 acres of what would become TNI. He had stone skeet houses and a shooting course constructed to entertain friends, staff, and famous guests. The lists of those who accepted the challenge of breaking clay targets is endless, but to name a few: U.S. Presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, and Richard Nixon; Olin’s favorite cowboys: John Wayne, Gene Autry, Roy Rodgers, and Gabby Hayes; baseball superstars Ted Williams, Stan “The Man” Musiel, Mart Marion and others.
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