Roaming Naturalists


Thursday November 02    
9:00 am - 10:30 am


The Nature Institute
2213 South Levis Lane, Godfrey, IL, 62035

Event Type

Roaming Naturalists is a monthly hike designed for adults that want to learn more about the natural world. Topics will range from birds to plants to insects and beyond. While each hike will have a topic of focus, we will allow the interest of the group and the surprises that nature throws at us to determine what we learn on our hike.

Hikes will range from 1-2 miles (rarely 3 miles) and easy to moderate terrain. These hikes will occur rain or shine. In the event of icy conditions, or excessive snow, the hike may be canceled. The Nature Institute closes for the weather when Alton Public Schools close.

Roaming Naturalist Hikes are free to attend. Suggested Donation: $5

November is the height of Deer Rut. Let’s head out on a hike to see if we can find these charismatic creatures of the forest.

  • November 2 – Searching for Deer

In December, The Nature Institute closes the trails. This is so creatures can enjoy nature’s bounty. We will search for the food sources animals are relying on this winter.

  • December 7 – Nature’s Winter Bounty

January is the beginning of mating season for our raptors of the night. Come out to see if we can hear some Great Horned Owls setting up home and telling everyone to keep out.

  • January 4 – Territory Disputes

Hopefully we have some snow in February or at least mud to find tracks in. Let’s see what animals are around during the coldest months of the year.

  • February 1 – Tracks in the Snow

Learn more here.