Moonlight Hike
This long running program is a community favorite. Join other hikers for a moderate to difficult hike under the light of a full moon. Hikes occur each month near the night of the full moon. Hikers should wear weather appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes, bring a water bottle, and can bring a flashlight. Flashlight use is discouraged for most of the hike but can be used for especially tricky areas on the trail.
Program Fees: Free/member, $5/non-member. Pre-registration is required!
Things to Note:
- Hikes will leave on time, so you may consider arriving 10 – 15 minutes early.
- Parking is available in the lower lot behind the Lodge.
- Make note of dates and register one month in advance. Registration form will not open until after the previous month’s hike is over.
- If you register for the hike and are unable to attend, please call TNI to let us know. There is usually a wait list each month.
Remaining 2024 Dates
August 19 – 8:00pm – FULL
September 17 – 7:30pm – FULL
October 17 – 6:30pm
November 14 – 5:30pm
December 15 – 5:30pm
Our September 17th hike is FULL. The form for our October hike will open on September 18th. Thank you!