Interested in helping out in our Greenhouse?
2019 was a fantastic year for TNI’s greenhouse and greenhouse volunteers:
– Our volunteers logged 120 hours.
– We grew over 900 plants from 28 different species.
– We sold over 650 plants to the public at our Native Plant Sale.
– A new exhaust fan improved our climate control, benefiting our plant production in 2019.
2020 Outlook:
– We will use our hand collected seeds from 50 species, and supplement with an additional 18 species from other seed suppliers.
– We will be attempting to grow a total of 68 native species (last year we had an 80% germination rate).
– We hope to be able to provide the community with over 50 different species of native plants in 2020.
– Our first Native Plant Sale will be at our TNI Earthday BioBlitz Event on Saturday, April 25.
– We have added a new heater to the greenhouse this winter which should help tremendously for seed starting.
Work has already begun for the 2020 growing season, some of the volunteers from last year have started pre-germination treatments (cold moist stratification).
Plants will be ready for germination in early February.
Please join us on Thursday, January 30, 2020 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm at the Talahi Lodge at the Nature Institute for a short, informational meeting.
– We will cover the timeline, techniques, and other details about our 2020 growing season.
– No experience is necessary, everyone is welcome!
– We will train everyone in all the techniques and arm you with a wealth of native plant knowledge.
Fill out the form below or email ewright@thenatureinstitute.org if you are interested in attending.
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