ECO Homeschool Adventures: Hyped for Herpetology (6th - 12th)


Wednesday May 15    
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


The Nature Institute
2213 South Levis Lane, Godfrey, IL, 62035

Event Type

This program is geared towards students in 6th – 12th grade that are learning from home. Unlike the younger group of ECO Homeschool Adventures, this is a drop off program and requires a drop off program health form prior to dropping off your child. Drop off forms can be found by clicking here.

$7/child for non-members, $5/child for members. Parents/guardians are free. Pre-registration is required.

  • May 15, 1 – 3 pm: Hyped for Herpetology
    • During this older herpetology session, we will dissect frogs and venture to the ponds to catch and observe amphibians. We’ll also discuss reptiles and how field scientists study them.

Register Here.